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At COOL AIR NYC INC., we offer high efficiency heating systems with expert installation. Contact us for a quote and to schedule installation! Financing Options. Emergency Service.


We will thoroughly analyze your home heating unit to diagnose any and all problems, so we can make only the necessary repairs to get it running, as opposed to other companies that will try to sneak hidden, unnecessary fees and services into your bill. We will make every effort to fix your existing system, and only suggest a furnace installation when repair work is not economically feasible. Call us today to request the furnace repair service you need to keep your home comfortable.


Once cooler weather begins to set in and you are starting to think about turning your furnace back on, you will want to know what to look for to make sure your furnace is in optimal running condition. If the furnace doesn’t seem to produce enough heat, check the thermostat’s setting to make sure it’s on “heat” mode. Then check the temperature to make sure it’s set to one that’s higher than the current room temperature. At COOL AIR NYC INC., we want to make sure you, our customers, are able to get the most out of your heating and cooling systems when you need them most. Before the cooler weather sets in in New York , you’ll want to troubleshoot your furnace to get any possible repair requests in early. Check the circuit breaker and power supply: If the furnace stops working or the thermostat’s screen is blank, check if the circuit breaker tripped or blew a fuse. Also, make sure the power cord is plugged into an outlet. Reduce drafts as much as you can throughout your home or business. If a draft causes a problem with the pilot light, you may need to close the windows or doors in the room. Minimizing the drafts in your home can help keep your heating and cooling bills at a reasonable level as well. Make sure you are calling COOL AIR NYC INC. for routine maintenance on all your heating and cooling systems. Every year, at the end of the summer or beginning of fall, hire our furnace repair specialists to inspect and maintain the furnace. Our professionals will get the unit ready for the upcoming cool weather and fix problems that could cause breakdowns or expensive repairs during busy winter months.


Unless you received training in furnace repair, let the professionals at COOL AIR NYC INC. handle problems related to mechanical wear and tear. Otherwise, you may void the warranty on the appliance or accidentally cause a larger problem that will require a furnace installation. If you have any questions about your home or business’s heating and cooling equipment, don’t hesitate to give our team a call!

Furnace Installation Services Throughout New York

It's always important to have a heating unit you can trust throughout the changing seasons. If your have recently moved or it is time to replace your older furnace unit, rely on the team at H2O Air Conditioning Inc. We'll gladly guide you through the process of choosing the best unit for your home, needs and budget. We proudly work with homeowners throughout New York

Types of Furnace Installation We Offer

If you are considering a new furnace or heating system for your home, the number of options can seem overwhelming. Our team at COOL AIR NYC INC. are experienced with all types of furnace installation and understand what works best for our New York community.


This type of furnace used to be the most popular but has become outdated and inefficient. These units have one fan speed and are the loudest in terms of operation.


Similar to the single-stage furnace, this one has one more fan and offers less noise and more even heat distribution.

Two-Stage with Variable Speed

When you have this type of furnace installed, it includes a motor that has adjustable speeds and is even quieter than both the single-stage and two-stage furnace options. This is AIR AC l for multiple-story homes or if you want an air purification system inside the property.

Three-Stage with Variable Speed

This is an extremely powerful unit and the furnace installation needs to be done by a certified professional. When equipment is added to a furnace, this type of furnace is the recommended choice for maximum efficiency in 2 and 3 story homes, and furnaces that also include Air Purification Systems or Heat Pumps.

Heat Pumps

Heat pumps can be a valuable resource in our New York community as long as it is combined with an alternate heat source like an electric furnace. The pumps run more efficiently and can help with cooling your home in the summer months as well.

Furnace Installation Services Throughout New York

It's always important to have a heating unit you can trust throughout the changing seasons. If your have recently moved or it is time to replace your older furnace unit, rely on the team at H2O Air Conditioning Inc. We'll gladly guide you through the process of choosing the best unit for your home, needs and budget. We proudly work with homeowners throughout New York

Types of Furnace Installation We Offer

If you are considering a new furnace or heating system for your home, the number of options can seem overwhelming. Our team at COOL AIR NYC INC. are experienced with all types of furnace installation and understand what works best for our New York community.


This type of furnace used to be the most popular but has become outdated and inefficient. These units have one fan speed and are the loudest in terms of operation.


Similar to the single-stage furnace, this one has one more fan and offers less noise and more even heat distribution.

Two-Stage with Variable Speed

When you have this type of furnace installed, it includes a motor that has adjustable speeds and is even quieter than both the single-stage and two-stage furnace options. This is AIR AC l for multiple-story homes or if you want an air purification system inside the property.

Three-Stage with Variable Speed

This is an extremely powerful unit and the furnace installation needs to be done by a certified professional. When equipment is added to a furnace, this type of furnace is the recommended choice for maximum efficiency in 2 and 3 story homes, and furnaces that also include Air Purification Systems or Heat Pumps.

Heat Pumps

Heat pumps can be a valuable resource in our New York community as long as it is combined with an alternate heat source like an electric furnace. The pumps run more efficiently and can help with cooling your home in the summer months as well.


Sometimes machinery we tend to depend on just breaks, despite the effort we make to maintain it. Sometimes you need to take the plunge in the middle of summer and buy a new air conditioning unit. Whether it's for your home or business, there's no need to suffer through the hot, humid summers in New York . Call on COOL AIR NYC INC. today! Our expert team will get you the new air conditioning unit you need! If you notice that your AC unit is not functioning as it should, it may need expert attention. You should always call a qualified repair professional like the ones at COOL AIR NYC INC. as soon as you suspect that your air conditioner is not working properly.


When the temperature outside begins to soar, you need to have an effectively running air conditioning unit. You can try using one of those cheap box or oscillating fans to keep yourself comfortable, but all they really do is redistribute stale, warm air. The professionals at COOL AIR NYC INC. can provide you with the effective AC repair to help lower your home’s temperature and keep the place comfortable on even the hottest days of the year. Our HVAC contractors are proud to serve throughout the New York , areas. Contact us today to schedule an appointment!


When summer heat strikes in the New York areas, the best way to fight back is to turn on your air conditioner. Air conditioning keeps you cool over the summer, and with regular maintenance, your air conditioner should perform efficiently even during the hottest months. It might be a good AIR AC to give your air conditioning unit a once over before you start running it on full blast on the first hot day of the year, but routine maintenance might not always be the case where ninety-degree heat and high humidity is involved. If you do turn on your AC and there are some problems with it, here are some easy-to-spot signs that your AC might not be performing at its best.

We’ve been supporting NEW YORK area homes for the so many years. With a dedication to our families and communities, H2O Air Conditioning Inc. is the best choice for your home services needs. We pride ourselves on the work we do. Our technicians are trained and vetted. We build relationships and work hard to give you the best possible service. So let’s get started and get your home systems running efficiently today!

Commercial HVAC Service & Installation

At COOL AIR NYC INC., we excel at providing commercial heating and cooling services with improved efficiency and performance in mind. Our experience makes us the right choice for all of your commercial heating and air conditioning needs. We specialize in service, installation, replacement, modification, and upgrade of existing systems including commercial package units, heat pump systems, large split systems, air handlers, and rooftop units. Give us a call to discuss your commercial HVAC needs. We'll also share our knowledge about all of the options that are available in today's commercial HVAC market relating to indoor air quality products. The game has changed in today’s world and we are on the cutting edge of technology related to keeping your commercial building clean and safe. We provide system evaluation services as well and will recommend repairs or replacement. It's time to consider this option if you're paying out for frequent repairs, especially if you're relying on a system that is more than a decade old. Upgrading can result in savings of up to 40% of your current energy costs

Give us a call to discuss your commercial air conditioning installation needs

Honest Up-Front Pricing, Service Built Around Your Schedule & Free Estimates.

© COOL AIR NYC INC. . All Rights Reserved.

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